This is where I share my thoughts on leadership,
management, and employee development.
I write about my own thoughts and share the insights of others, sometimes in the same blog!
Please comment if you agree, disagree, or want to discuss further. I believe we all get
better and stronger when we share our ideas and resources.
From Algebra Failure to Mathlete - The Power of Employee Development
Managers Are the Key to Employees' Feelings of Worth
Flexibility is the Future of Team Management. Are Your Managers Ready For It?
Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the corporate water…
One On One Conversations – Quantified and Compelling Reasons to Have Them
Looking for a Holiday Gift for Your Managers? How About A Book?
When I Grow Up, I Want to be Beyoncé
3 Manager Metrics That Can Significantly Impact Engagement
Managers - What Are You Doing to SUPPORT Your People?
I Have Found My Voice, And I Have Something To Say!